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All Koh Samui Beaches


Koh Samui Car Rental

S iam Makro Koh SamuiPublic Company Limited was established in 1988 with investment capital of 750 million baht, to operate the member-based wholesale center, under the name “Makro”. Makro Koh Samuihas continuously expands our branches to provide a wide range and assortment of product, to our professional members and business operators nationwide, including retailers, restaurants, catering businesses, service business operators, government agencies, education institutions and other business operators.

Makro Koh Samui

W ith strong commitment to satisfy the need of our professional customers, including retailers, restaurants, hotels, caterer, and offices, who demands the quality products at the price that will help them to reduce their costs, Makro Koh Samuihas been developing Makro Koh Samuiown brand from 2002 until today.
By aiming to meet the need of professional customers for variety of products at the right size, convenience packaging and profitable price, Makro has introduced our own brand products, covers food, drinks, stationary, hotel suppliers and etc. in all Makro store nationwide. Makro own brand product is being used by professional customers more and more.

M akro, the wholesale center for professional business operators, offers promotion of nearly 600 products in Makro Mail. Customers can check and plan their purchasing ahead, for their profit maximization. Makro has also chosen many qualified products with low prices, to offer in Makro catalog.

Makro Koh SamuiSamui

M acro serves not only wholesale consumers, restaurants and other businesses, but also private buyers. Anyone can get high-quality and fast service in this unique shopping center, of which there are already two on Koh Samui. The second center opened recently in the area of Lamai.
Everyone will find for themselves the fresh and necessary products, kindly provided by the service.
How to find Makro:

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