Advertising & Sponsorship Policies
Advertising Policies
General Policies
All advertising is subject to the approval by the Ko Samui Space – kohsamui.website. The Administration reserves the right to reject advertising. Advertisers and their agencies assume liability for all content (including text representation and illustration) of advertisements and assume responsibility for any resulting claims against the publisher. The Association assumes no responsibility if, for any reason, it becomes necessary to omit an advertisement. Rates effective June 1, 2018.
Contracts and Discounts
To qualify for frequency discounts a contract must be submitted. Contracts for frequency discounts and position are available for 12-month periods only. Short rate adjustments are made at the end of the contract period if terms are not fulfilled. Contract holders will be given reasonable notice of any increase in rates and preferred opportunity to renew contracts at the time the rate change becomes effective. This is based upon new published rates at the time and after current contract period has ended.
Advertising Placement
Administration reserves to right to discontinue ad space at anytime. A minimum of a 30 day notice will be given to the advertiser prior to discontinuing particular space, and any monies owed or due to the advertiser will be prorated.
Payment Terms
Advertisers are required to provide payment in full at least 30 days within the day the reservations are made,
if payment is not received by this time the reservation agreement is void.
We accept the following forms of payment Visa, Master Card, Bitcoin, money orders, bank transfer and PayPal.
Payments may be made electronically or by submitting a signed contract and payment to adress:
Ko Samui Space
C/O Advertising/Sponsorship